
Showing posts from September, 2018

For My Pumkin Spice Lovers

Chai always brings me memories of my mother’s home. That delicious aroma that would fill the house with warmth and comfort like a hug from your mother. I would wake up with this aroma rejuvenating my soul. Those weekend morning where we would sip on chai and chat for hours @truebeauty_95  and @sarahdreamingbig . I actually was never found of chai until I moved away. And now I make chai just to bring me close to home. Pakistani chai comes in plenty of variations. However all of these contain spices or herbs. There is cinnamon which is pretty famous in fall time for its rich aromatic fragrance and taste. Not to mentioned used medicinally around the world for it’s antibacterial, antifungal and anti-diabetic properties. Then we have cardamom, gives a refreshing minty almost kick to the chai and is great for digestion problems. There is also cloves which are great for when you have a cold because they are natural painkiller and expectorant. There are endless amount of spices out there